Thursday, 11 February 2010

Regine & the process of making a logo: Take 1.

I just recently assigned for the task of making a logo and a website for my local scooterclub, Roughnecks Scooterclub (Website linked for later reference, may take a while before it is working!). I am educated as an industrial designer, but also have various computer programming experience. My whole 12 year career has been spent working for various companies in the oil industry, Stavanger being the oil capitol of Norway.

I take my work very seriously, and really want to create a outstanding logo as well as a representable webpage for the club. Part of this is to gather info and ideas, and sketch out possible concepts.

Regine was perfect for testing out a preliminary concept for a logo: A Roughneck has specific duties on an oilrig. Some of the physical characteristics of the Roughneck is his work gear, his tools, and his work place. The preliminary idea was to take combine a scooter with the Roughneck in his work area (drill floor or below derrick). Obviously I don't have a Derrick in my garage, but with some oilfield work gear, myself as a roughneck stand-in, and Regine, I got some photos to work out from:

Bottom up view of Roughneck on Scooter...

A full frontal view of a Roughneck on scooter.

Add a derrick to the horizon... (with the right sense of perspective, that is...)

After trying out this concept, I fear that the magnitude of details will not work for a logo.
Great sport, Regine, thanks for contributing. Search continues.